Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Carbon Cycle II: Shape of a Painting

Brushes coming in from all sides
or maybe only one
painting me solid
Someone watching; studying
Cold chemicals wash over and through canvas
from opaque to translucent to transparent
then clean again – gone.

Pencils on paper
black and white, shading, giving way
to depth and life
The same judging – necessary?
To an extent.
Pressure, soft plastic on paper
From dark to light to blank
A silhouette remains.

Cells merge and divide
Born from ideas: in the future
They will make way for ideals
They are still judged – always judged.
Cells of carbon born with nitrogen and oxygen
And life together from love
From smooth to rough to cold they may go
Ephemeral as the others (this time - another error?)
Harsh chemicals, smooth plastic; sharp, shaped steel
Cleanse another creation away?
Prepare a new slate for creation – in what way?

Yet choices close in time
Breath begins and life lives
In carbon, from carbon, always carbon cycling
Still projects come alive
New judges open eyes and see

Fated to grow rough and weathered in time
Harsh and bitter in time;
fulfilled and gratified in time.
Then cold but remembered
Still and silent, yet ever alive in a way.



There were another couple lines at the end but I think I like it better as it is.


  1. Neat! I like it! While you seem to refer to some events and happenings that personal to you and not obvious to an outsider, I recognize the emotions that went to this writing. They are familiar to me as an artist. I also like the word play and a connection to universe and time, a connection of creating to creation.

    You are indeed a Renaissance man.

  2. Thank you, this was one of those poems that just popped into my head one night about 1:00AM almost completely formed.

    Art, science, and life: everything is about creation. Although everything we create can be erased or destroyed, the fundamental building blocks of everything will always remain and cycle round.

    Consider that the air you breathe has been breathed before. There was a time when it was part of a plant, part of the sea, part of other people.

    I always thought that was so nifty.
